Antigua Earlier Issues 1900 - 1952
Queen Victoria 1d Value Used
Queen Victoria 6d Value Used
Queen Victoria 4d Value Used
Queen Victoria 1/2d Value Used
Queen Victoria 4d Value Used
Queen Victoria 1d Value Used
Queen Victoria 2 1/2d Value Mint
Queen Victoria 4d Value Used
Coat of Arms 2 1/2d Value Used
Coat of Arms 2 1/2d Value Mint
Coat of Arms 3d. Value Fine Mint
King George V 1/2d Value Mint
King George V 1/2d Value Used
King George V 1 1/2d Value Used
King George V 1 1/2d Value Mint
King George V 1 1/2d Value Used
King George V 2 1/2d Value Mint
King George V 2/6 Value Mint
Goverment House 2½d Value Used
Silver Jubilee 1 1/2d Value Used
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Set of 3 Values Mint
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Set of 3 Values Fine Used
King George VI Coronation 1d Value Mint
King George VI Coronation 1d Value Used
King George VI Coronation 1½d Value Used
King George VI Coronation 2 1/2d Value Mint
King George VI Coronation 2 1/2d Value Used
King George VI ½d Value Mint
King George VI ½d Value Used
King George VI 1d Value Mint
King George VI 1d Value Used
King George VI 1½d Value Mint
King George VI 1½d Value Used
King George VI 2d Value Mint
King George VI 2d Value Used
King George VI 2½d Value Mint
King George VI 2½d Value Used
King George VI 3d Value Mint
King George VI 3d Value Used
King George VI 6d Value Mint
King George VI 6d Value Used
King George VI 1/- Value Mint
King George VI 1/- Value Used
King George VI 2/6 Value Mint
King George VI 2/6 Value Used
King George VI 5/- Value Used
Royal Silver Wedding Set of 2 Values Mint
Royal Silver Wedding 2 1/2d Value Mint
UPU Set of 4 Values Mint
UPU Set of 4 Values Used
UPU Set of 4 Values Fine Mint
BWI University Set of 2 Values
Postage Stamps of Antigua
1937 - 1952
Number of items for sale in this section: 84