German East Africa King George V 12c Value Overprint Fine Mint
King George V 5c Value Fine Used
King George V 10c Value Fine Mint
King George V 10c Value Fine Used
King George V 15c Value Fine Used
King George V 20c Value Fine Used
King George V 25c Value Fine Used
King George V 30c Value Good Used
King George V 50c Value Fine Used
King George V 1/- Value Fine Used
King George V 2/- Value Fine Mint
King George V 3/- Value Fine Mint
King George V 5/- Value Fine Mint
Independence 5c. Value Fine Used
Independence 5c. Value Fine Used
Independence 10c. Value Fine Mint
Independence 10c. Value Fine Used
Independence 15c. Value Fine Used
Independence 20c Value Used
Independence 30c. Value Fine Used
Independence 30c Value Used
Independence 50c Value Used
Independence 50c Value Used
Independence 1/- Value Fine Used
Independence 20/- Value Fine Used
Inauguration of Republic Value Used
Stamps of the Tanganyika
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